We're working on some new channels for communicating with you.
Check out our new Facebook fan page here.
You can also follow us on Twitter at @oamchorus.
If you're not familiar with Twitter, it allows you to follow others and communicate on your mobile device. It's the channel that's been taking the world by storm in only 140 characters. "Tweets" are limited to only 140 characters, so it's kind of like a quick "headline" way of communicating and pointing people to more information.
However, you can also follow online the "old-fashioned" way in a web browser at Twitter.com, Hoot Suite, at dabr.co.uk, TweetDeck and others.
Here's an example of how Twitter can be useful: When an entry is made on Facebook, a tweet is automatically sent to anyone "following" @oamchorus. If you're following on Twitter, you can click a link that takes you to the post on Facebook where you can read the rest of the post.
Sign up and it out!
And share it with your friends and family!
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